Concept born at Comon Ghent

The idea and first prototype, called Spexter, was developed with support from Comon, an open laboratory (living lab) where scientists and technologists work together with creative citizens from Ghent (Belgium). Citizens from Ghent could sent challenges. Based on votes and reactions, an advisory committee chose a challenge. The challenge where NextGenics was selected with their idea was: ‘How do we make healthcare understandable to everyone in this super diverse city?’. After a design sprint of 5 days supported by Imec and the University of Ghent, Spexter was born.

Support of Amai! Vlaanderen

This project is one of five winners of Amai!, an initiative that involves citizens in the development of social AI applications. The enthusiasm and involvement of citizens highlights the social relevance of this project. In addition to the support from amai Flanders, the project is funded with 125,000 euros by the Flemish Government as part of the Flemish Action Plan AI.

Understand your health